Classic Yoga Wheel


Classic Yoga Wheel

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A classic yoga wheel is a versatile and beneficial yoga prop that helps enhance flexibility, improve balance, and deepen yoga poses. It consists of a circular wheel with a hollow center, typically made of sturdy and supportive materials such as ABS plastic or PVC, with a foam padding for comfort and grip.

Yoga wheels come in various sizes, but the standard size is around 12 inches in diameter and 5 inches in width. They are designed to support the spine, open up the chest, stretch the shoulders, and release tension in various parts of the body.

Some common uses of a yoga wheel include:

  1. Backbends: The wheel can be used to support and deepen backbends such as bridge pose, camel pose, and wheel pose.

  2. Hip opening: By sitting or reclining with the wheel, you can stretch and release tension in the hip flexors, groins, and lower back.

  3. Balance and core strength: Rolling exercises or balancing poses on the wheel can help improve core strength and stability.

  4. Inversions: The wheel can provide support for inversions or help with alignment in handstands or headstands.

A classic yoga wheel is a versatile tool that can be used by practitioners of all levels, from beginners to experienced yogis, to enhance their practice and experience the benefits of a deeper stretch and improved alignment. It can be a valuable addition to your yoga practice, helping you explore new poses, deepen your stretches, and build strength and flexibility throughout your body.

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